Saturday, August 13, 2016

Installation Part:

1) SAP GUI for windows:
Download the software using SAP download manager and extract it toa folder. Navigateto the installation executables and use "setupall.exe".
Select the GUI components that need to be installed (deselect the components that need to be uninstalled and continue the installation/ uninstallation.
some of the components may need some additional components frame work etc.
SAP GI for windows provides an option to select the CRM, SRM, SCM dependents, ECL (Engineering Client Viewer for 2D, 3D etc)
It alsoprovides knowledge management, BW, Netweaver Business client etc.
The Logon entries are maintained in saplogon.ini (older versions), SapUILandscape.xml. These files can be stored accessed by all the presentation servers.

It required a compatible version of JAVA which is specific to operating system.
Download the OS specific SAP GUI for Java software from SAP marketplace. Generally it is around 40MB.
Use command "Java - jar PlatinGUI<rel><OS>_nnn.JAR"
It is installed by default in /opt/SAPClients/SAPGUI/bin folder to initialize SAPGUInavigate to the above folder and use /guilogon..

It is a representation of classic GUI over the browser using HTML. It requiredinternet transaction server to convert the classic content to web content.

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