Saturday, August 6, 2016

SAP Transaction Codes & Use of Code

Transaction Code: It is shortest code to navigate to the SAP programs and reports which are long and confusing German names. These are displayed in Transaction code "SM01" and stored in table TSTC.

Transaction Code
1SM51Monitoring the SAP servers overview
2SM50Monitoring the work process overview
3SM66To monitor the work process globally
4SM04To monitor the user logged in locally
5AL08To monitor the user logged in globally
6SM12To monitor the locks held in the system.
7SM13To monitor updates held in system.
8SM14To monitor updates administrations.
9SM21To monitor system logs.
10ST22To monitor the ABAP system dumps
11SM01To monitor the transaction locks
12SM02Populating the messages during downting
13ST01To monitor and switching the traces
14ST02To monitor the SAP application buffers
15ST03To monitor workload overview
16ST04To monitor database buffers
17ST05To monitor performance traces
18ST06To monitor the OS statistics
19ST07To monitor the applications load
20ST11To monitor the developer traces
21SM20To monitor the security audit logs
22SM36Scheduling background jobs
23SM37To monitor background jobs
24SM35To monitor batch inputs
25SM59Define the RC Connections
26SM58To monitor the transactional Rfc
27SMQ1To monitor the outbound queue
28SMQ2To monitor the inbound queue
29SP01To monitor spoold requests
30SMMSTo monitor message server
31SMGWTo monitor gateway
32DB02To monitor databse growth
33DB13To monitor database calender (Scheduling backups)
34DB12To monitor database logs
35DB01To monitor database locks
36DB17To monitor database checks
37WE05To monitor Idocs
38AL11To monitor SAP directories
39DB14To monitor the database operational logs
40DB03To monitor the parameter change in database
41SMICMTo monitor the internet communication manager
42SITSPMONTo monitor the internet transaction server

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