Sunday, August 14, 2016

Process of Activating WebGUI

1) Execute Transaction "SITSPMON" which is available onlyl from basis versions 640 and above.
System ==> Status ==> Magnifying glass ==> check the basis release which should be 640 and above.

2) SITSPMON (SAP Internet Transaction Server Process Monitor):
It is used to provide the inbuilt ITS services to SAP System.
     a) Check whether status light is "GREEN" with ITSPE is OK.
     b) Check whether the parameter itsp/enable=1 (If it is set to '0' internet services are disabled)

3) Execute SMICM (Internet Communication Manager):
It is a service which is active from BASIS 640. It is used handle the web requests check whether ICM status is Green and Running.
4) Activate Internet Communication frame work services based on requirements. Execute transaction "SICF"
Right click on each of the services and activate the service (There are services like BW, CRM, SRM, Solman, KW etc are activated based on requirements)

5) Execute "SE80" and publish the services
Select internet service => system (right click) => public complete service
Select Internet service => Web GUI (right click)=> Publish complete service

6) To check the hostname, Port and protocol that is going to be used on the web.
Execute SMICM ==> Men Goto==> Services==>
Execute SMICM==> Menu Goto==> Parameters ==> Display
Note: generally the hostname should be fully qualified on the web.
So configure thehost by using parameter intransaction RZ10 using parmeter icm/
set the ports using parameter
Fully qualified host name means the hostname with atleast two dots(.) The parameters are configured in RZ10.

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