Saturday, August 6, 2016

Introduction to Host name & IP

Host name: Which system in the data centre is identified by unique name which is called as host name without host name the system could not be communicated over Network.

IP address: Internet protocol address: It is a numeric cable assigned to each machine that is going to participate in the network communication.

Private IP addresses: These are used internally within the company. It ranges between 0-255, 0-255, 0-255, 0-255. (4 bit).
A class IP address starts with (Big companies uses this range)
B class IP address starts with (Middle sized companies uses this range)
C class IP addresses starts with (Small sized companies mostly R&D)
Other than the above all the address are public IP addresses. These IP addresses are obtained from network carriers.

Static IP address: The addresses that is assigned to servers permanently so that addressing to the server is constant.

Dynamic IP address: The addresses that are assigned dynamically which can be renewed for every 14 days based on DHCP(Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol). These are assigned to all desktops/ laptops/ workstation/Devices.

Intranet: The computers which are connected outside the company network using MAN (Metro Area Network)/WAN (Wide Area Network) using public IP address.

Router: It is a physical device that is in entry/exit point to the network. Router can be set with predefined rules.

Firewall: It is a Software/Hardware/Server that is used to restrict/prohibit the access to websites, IP addresses, host names, ports and protocols. 

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