Saturday, August 6, 2016

Types of Presentation Layers

Types of Presentation Layers:

  1. SAP GUI for windows
  2. SAP GUI for JAVA
  3. SAP GUI for HTML
  4. Netweaver business client (UI)
  5. Fiori Launch Pad (UX)
  6. SAP WEB Dynpro JAVA (web based)(outdated)
1) SAP GUI for Windows:
It is a client software which designed to work on windows platforms.
It of size around 1.2 GB. It is the most convenient GUI for developers, functional consultants, end user community and business process owners.
Download the SAP GUI for windows from  ==>  Installations and upgrades
==> SAP front end components ==> SAP GUI for windows 7.40
==>. select and download

2) SAP GUI for JAVA Environment:
SAP's unified frontend for multiple platforms (Linux and Windows). It is based on a platform independent architecture and Java implementation.
It required platform specific JAVA to run SAP GUI for JAVA. SAP GUI for JAVA 7.40 is designed to run with SAP systems based on SAP Netweaver application server 7.40 and earlier versions which are still supported by SAP. Current version of SAP GUI for JAVA is SAP GUI 740 PL 8. It's size is approximately 40 MB.

3) SAP GUI for HTML: 
It is a browser based GUI which converts the classic GUI screens into WEB Screens using in built internet transaction server. It required an Host Name and HTTP port number to access the SAP products.

4) SAP Business Client: 
Earlier its called as Netweaver business client.. It provides a client on the desktop or a web client that display the content which is similar to a portal screens. These screens are designed and published by using the ABAP language. these are called WEB Dynpro. ABAP pages 9WdA).  The major intension is get away from JAVA WEB Dynpro pages. It is also referred as UI (User Interface)

5) SAP Fiori Launchpad: 
SAP fiori is a new user experience (UX) for SAP software. By applying modern design principles it completely reinvents the user experience. It provides personalised and role based the new user experience enables enterprised wide engagement across lines of business. It provides optimal usability on multiple devices for better business interactions and ease of use.

6) SAP Web Interface (Java applications): 
These screens are defined in JAVA and they are called as WDJ (Web Dynpro Java). JAVA based SAP products are replaced by using Web Dynpro ABAP.

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